Goals & Distractions


You Can't Do Big Things 

If You Are Distracted By Small Things


Its never too late to wish all my readers all the very best in 2024. 

Stay well and Stay blessed everyone.

This is my first write-up of 2024 and thinking about the new year we always set goals but how many times have we worked hard enough to achieve our goals?  I asked a few people around if they have set goals for this year and have, they achieved last years goals.  90% of them said they did set goals last year but the same goals have been carried forward to this year, and year after year, because they were unable to achieve it.  The reason most of them said is that they did not have the time and still struggling with time. 

We all have 24 hours in a day.  8 hours we work either at home or in the office (we have no choice on this one unless you own your own business or happily retired), we will assume 7-8 hours we sleep in the night, another 1-2 hours we commute to work and back, lets give ourselves another 4-5 hours to do the cooking, cleaning, shower and catching up with friends and family, pets and other daily chores.  In the remaining 1-2 hours what you do will determine in which direction you are going. Some people choose to watch television with their favourite shows, catchup on the News Channel, some are on social media i.e. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Online Games, Snap Chat, long telephone calls with friends and family etc. Ask yourself, is this helping me toward achieving my goal? If yes, continue doing it, if no, then change your habits.  If you are disciplined in focusing in doing one little bit every day during the 1-2 hours that is remaining, you will definitely be going toward achieving your goals. Rome was not built in a day. Floods don’t come up suddenly, every drop of rain adds to it. A sports champion did not emerge overnight, he practiced and practiced every day.  At the same time what you choose to do in the 4-5 hours will help you accumulate more time to work on your goals.

Be aware of your distractions and admit that they are distractions.  If you do not accept that they are distractions and make an effort to walk away from it, you will always agree that you don’t have the time.  It is in our own hands to make the time, be with the right people, walk away from the crowd – it could sometime be your own friends and family, read the right books, gain knowledge and education to work on your goals.

Going back to my previous write up of December 30th, 2022, I have shared a road map of how one can go about achieving your goals and setting them in the right way. Feel free to take a printout of the Goal Setting Form and work on it step by step.  The main reason for not achieving goals is allowing distractions to come your way.  This goes for me too.  We need to learn how to walk away from distractions.  It could be our own friends and family, pets and parties, negative thoughts, living in the past success, worrying about things we don’t have control of, surrounded by negative people.  First identify the distractions and work toward walking away from it.

Here's good luck to working on your goals and have a great 2024.

Best regards,

Joy D’Penha

Certified Freelance Writer 
Certified Life Coach & Executive Coach


  1. Great article, it expresses exactly what I was going through

  2. Fantastic and in depth thoughts put together ❤️

  3. Great writeup 👍.. Start small.. Dedicate 2 hrs atleast 5 days a week.. ❤️

  4. Brilliant! Very well written


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