The author wants her readers to relate this picture to the below write-up, bringing about the good within you that you have carried, especially during any challenging situations.

               SPILLED MY HOT COFFEE

After taking a five-month break to cope with the loss of our beloved fur baby, KOVU —who will always be family to me, I found it very hard to get back to writing.  I found it difficult to settle on my next topic. For a long time, I couldn't find a subject that felt both simple and meaningful, yet strong enough to resonate with everyday life.

Then, I came across a story that struck a chord. It's about a young man holding a steaming cup of coffee.  In one moment, everything changed: someone bumped into him, and the hot coffee splashed all over him and the ground, giving him burns on his hands.

A gentleman nearby asked, "How did you get burnt?" The young man replied, "Someone bumped into me, and the hot coffee that I was holding in my cup spilled everywhere." The wise man then responded, "The hot coffee spilled because you were carrying hot coffee inside your cup, and you got burnt because it was HOT.  If it had been tea, or water, or anything else, that’s what would have spilled instead, either hot or cold."

This simple story carries a powerful lesson with a strong message: when we’re bumped or challenged by difficult situations, whatever is inside us spills out. So, the question is: what are we carrying inside? Is it love, encouragement, patience, calmness, positivity, gentleness, happiness, and laughter? Or is it anger, frustration, disappointment, hate, jealousy, or a sense of superiority? Whatever is inside us will come out in the actions and conversations that follows after facing the challenge.  

Next time someone bumps into your ideas, your work, your plans, or your way of doing things, ask yourself: what will spill out of you? Remember, whatever we hold inside will inevitably come out in those moments.  Remember actions demonstrated and words spoken cannot be taken back. So, make sure you are filling yourself with only the good, so that you can spread love and positivity to those around you, encourage a soul, bring about peace and understanding and be patient with others.

Just thinking about this story I began to connect it with me when I faced this horrible situation of losing my fur baby what came out of me? Besides the depression that I went through, I would say it was my creativity. I drowned myself in my creative ideas and came out with various ideas to create Christmas wreaths and created about 21 unique beautiful stunning Christmas wreaths. I am glad I was filled with creative ideas that was stored within me which came out in a burst after this difficult situation.  This brought a deep sense of peace within me. The picture above are 3 of the wreaths that I made.  What others see is a beautiful creation, but what was behind this beautiful creation was the pain, hard work, love, patience, creative thinking, frustration, trial and errors, restless days, late nights, skipping meals that brought about the beautiful creations. 

Hope this story of the HOT COFFEE reminds us to be cautious of what we carry within ourselves. 

best regards,

Joy D'Penha


  1. Very well written, it's absolutely true, what is within us often spills out on others , sometimes we don't even realize it......Aruna

  2. Very well what are mind should be filled with

  3. Sorry for your loss and thank you for thr wonderful thought.

  4. Self realization. So true. Only words and actions bring out the real you. So input should be wise.

  5. Being hurt has so many dimensions. You have touched a cord of so much meaning through your writing. All who have gone will for sure leave their impression. Love is continuous 😊

    1. Very well written absolutely fabulous. Keep up the good work love to read your work.


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