The author brings about the awareness of self-awareness to all her readers.  This has tremendously helped the author in her daily life, and this is one of the greatest maps for “road to success”.  When you make yourself aware of the importance of the impossible being the untried, you will succeed big time when you work on those impossible tasks that you thought were difficult and not achievable.  There is no doubt about your success in whatever you do. 

“The Impossible Is Often the Untried”


There are 100s of Positive Attitude and Self Development books written by great authors in the past and recent years. I have read most of them and am truly inspired by all the authors who have coached me through their books throughout my life. 


One of my favourite quotes is “The impossible is often the untried” quoted by Jim Goodwin.  If you go deep into this quote, you will realize that your achievements to your goals and dreams are only an action away. One action at a time.  How amazing and powerful is this quote. 


Think about all the goals and dreams that you have for yourself and list down the things that you must do or have done to achieve them and then list down the things that you have not done to achieve them.  You will realize that the things that you have not done to achieve them are the things that you ought to do to allow you to say that it is impossible to achieve them.  This is self-awareness and without self-awareness you will limit your potential to achieve your goals. Think outside the box and list the things that you will do regardless of how tough it is, just with the thought that everything you list will end up with great success however difficult or impossible you think it is.  And then start working on each of the action points you have written.  You will realize that after all it was not difficult.


Besides being a Freelance Writer, a Life Coach and a Laughter Yoga Leader I am also a Sales Professional working in a corporate company, and I have experienced this quote in my Sales Career of achieving some goals and thinking that some other goals are not achievable and that its impossible. In Sales we are always trained to set SMART goals “Specific” “Measurable” “Attainable or Achievable” “Realistic” and “Timely” If you think about it the word “Realistic” goes with the word “Possible” Soon I realized that the impossible is often the untried and would be related to the word unrealistic and when I realized it, I made a list of all the things that I should have tried and unrealistic to me and started working on that list. Guess what? IT WORKS and it WORKED.


When someone tells you “I have good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear first?” 90% of the people want to hear the bad news first to digest it and then the good news that will possibly be an emotional support for the bad news. In the same way, why not try the impossible and unrealistic so that if you succeed you will have a sense of achievement and if you don’t you at least know you tried and still have that sense of achievement that you tried and have no regrets.


How simple is it. Self-awareness is the key to your success and try out all possibilities to defy the impossible. Remember “the impossible is often the untried.”


Best Regards,



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