Happy Thanksgiving


October is a month of great festivities.  Beginning with Thanksgiving, Diwali and Halloween. 

In Canada it is called “Thanksgiving”, In India it’s called “Harvest” and “Dussehra”.  I have written a whole topic on Thanksgiving last year – for those who have not read it and would like to read it please go to my blog on Thanksgiving – October 10th 2021.   

It just brings back memories of family gathering back home.  Helping mom in the kitchen together.  Eating on a banyan leaf and having any odd number of vegetables.  Mom used to cook 7 or 11 different vegetables.  We all would sit on the floor together; dad would say a prayer and bless the food and we all enjoyed. The beauty was to give thanks to God for all His blessings, to come together as a family and eat and laugh together.   

We used to have Auction of various gifts of fruits and other gift items at our church for a good cause and donation towards the church expenses.

In Canada, it is a tradition to get the family together and celebrate Thanksgiving with a turkey meal.

Today we are all far away from each other, with our own families and living separately. We celebrate Thanksgiving in our own way, but memories of the traditional way will always be in our hearts.   

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Be Blessed



  1. Beautiful memories brought back with this article. Thank you Joy

  2. Very well written Joy. Throwback memories as kids enjoying Harvest celebration was fun. With the meal ending with paysam. Thanks giving with Sweetness.


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