MOTHER'S DAY - Remembering one of Mom's wisest advice


Today, May 8, 2022 is Mother’s Day and is celebrated all over the world. Here’s wishing all mothers a very Happy Mothers Day. Every woman who shows love and compassion towards their own children or pets or seniors or others’ children or any living being has a mother's loving nature and I wish you all a Very happy Mothers Day. 

Yesterday I was spring cleaning my garage and clearing the dust and few leaves that had gathered over the winter season and part of early spring. As I was cleaning, I remembered my dear late mother who used to always remind us to keep our rooms clean, to wash our hands after entering the house, after touching the dogs, before eating etc., way before SARS and COVID we were in a practice to wash our hands and be clean. She would always say when you kept yourself and your room or house clean you are inviting prosperity. She would say where there is cleanliness there is prosperity. And today I was reminiscing on these words she always stressed on. How true are her words!

When you think about cleanliness in all areas of life whether it be your physical surroundings ie your house, your office, your car, your physical body or cleanliness in your relationships, your thoughts and actions, you want to be clean. You want to invite prosperity into all the different areas of your life. When you clean up you pave the road to prosperity, you remove all negativity from that area of your life, in relationships you forgive and ask for forgiveness, dust off your feet on grounds with negative influencers, stop associating with people who have a negative impact on you, in your thoughts you pray for your enemies or the ones who hurt you instead of cursing them. You think more of good things of the people you love rather than the not so good things. Focus on the good things about what makes them special rather than what are they messing around with.  Make peace with yourself instead of carrying a feeling of unpleasantness and talking ill about them or backbiting about them to others in their absence. You clean up your house from the dust and declutter unwanted things instead of accumulating them and not using them for years.

We all have heard that ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness. And rightly where there is Godliness there will be nothing but prosperity.  So, if you think you need to prosper in any area of your life start to cleanup right away and see the difference.

If you do the same things that you did before you will not see any change. In order to cleanup and see the difference you will need to do something different from what you have been doing from before. Open that door of prosperity in your life by simply cleaning up. 

Have a wonderful day.




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