Here are some of the Home Remedies that I remember from my childhood days.  My mom was the doctor for all of us with her special proven Home Remedies and it still works perfectly fine.  I have got some of the remedies from my dear sisters who remember more than me.  Here are the Home Remedies since the 1920’s that are proven and can still be used at this age.

Common Proven Home Health Remedies

Cure for worm trouble, cough and cold for Babies and toddlers:

Make a necklace of some even numbered freshly skinned garlic coves and tie it around the baby’s neck.  This helps in worm problems in babies.  Babies often do not stop crying because of worm problems, cough and cold.  Since the babies cannot eat or chew on the garlic, the necklace is tied round the neck so that the baby may gradually inhale the allicin i.e. the juice that sprinkles out when you cut a fresh garlic clove. Allicin is the antioxidant that provides the health benefits.

Used for cure in Cough

Add a pinch of turmeric, honey, raw egg and black pepper powder to hot milk – stir it well and drink it hot.  It loosens the cough in the chest and is easily thrown out to clear your throat and chest.


Keeping you warm in the winter

Add a teaspoon of Ghee also known as Clarified Butter in hot milk and drink it.  This creates heat in your body and keeps your body internally heated up and prevents you from getting stiffness and freeze in the cold weather.

For Ear-ache

Take coconut oil in a tablespoon, break a red chilly into the oil and heat that oil above a lit candle for about 2-3 minutes.  Let the oil cool down to a warm temperature and soak it with a cotton ball and squeeze 2-3 drops of oil inside the ear hole. Let the oil immerse deep into the ear.  You will feel a tinge of tickle while the drops fall in.  Your ear pain will vanish within 10-15 minutes. 


To stop throwing up or vomiting

Take 2 pinches of Ajwain or Carom seed in English, and one pinch of salt and chew on it and swallow the juice.  This will stop any kind of throwing up due to food poisoning or upset stomach.  It will settle the stomach and absorb all the impurities from the stomach that is causing the throwing up.  Ajwain is also used for digestion, bloating of the stomach and gas. Good to have a pinch of it without salt after a heavy meal.



Turmeric as a germ killer, antioxidant, antiseptic and immunity booster

Turmeric is used as an antioxidant, germ killer, immunity booster added in all kinds of foods.  A paste of turmeric and warm water is also used to apply on fresh wounds and is used as an antiseptic to stop the wound from any infection from outer and inner germs infesting the wound. Then tie the infected area with a clean white cloth of bandage. It is also used to kill cancer cells in the body. Turmeric is also used with a paste of milk cream to remove severe sun tan from the skin. It heals the skin from the redness and soreness.


Mustard oil used for joint pains

Apply warm mustard oil to your knees or any joint that is hurting.  The mustard oil has a healing power for the pain to disappear once absorbed into the skin.


Cure for Hives

Garcinia Indica (in English), is a plant in the mangosteen family commonly known as Kokum.  It has culinary, pharmaceutical and industrial uses.  It can be easily found in the Grocery stores, mainly the Indian Grocery stores.  Soak the Kokum in warm water overnight and drink the soaked water early morning.  Rub the kokum remains to the affected area on your skin.  The Hives will slowly and gradually disappear.


Sesame seeds used to heal internal wounds in the mouth

Chew on a teaspoon of white Sesame seeds to heal all kinds of wounds inside the mouth, cuts, boils and sores. If you bit your tongue or cheek by mistake this will help to ease the sore.


Coriander Seeds used for Sore Eyes

Soak 2-3 tablespoons of Corianda seeds in half a cup of warm water overnight.  Wipe the sored eyes gently with the soaked water early morning.  Sored eyes can be closed with the excess of mucus discharge, lumps and bumps on the eye lids .  The eyes will open up and heal with the touch of herbal medicinal power in the coriander seeds.  Rinse eyes gently with the soaked corinder water early morning to bring about freshness and purity in the eyes.


Cloves used for toothache

Take fresh clove or cotton soaked with clove oil and place in inside the mouth over the tooth that is sore. 

Sore throat

Take fresh ginger juice and add a tinge of honey and swallow to get relieve from sore throat


Courtesy pictures taken from the internet to show you how the ingredients look. My sincere thanks go out to my sisters for helping me put this together.  A special thanks to my late mother Celestine Elizabeth  who used these Home Remedies when we fell sick, especially in the nights when there were no doctors available, and used the herbs to cure these illness naturally without any side effects.

Look out for updates on this topic.  I will be updating it with more info as and when I remember. Have a blessed Good Friday everyone.



  1. Very good effective home remedies.Can be immediately implemented ,cost effective and no side effects.It reminds me of my young days.Nicely explained.Thanks Joy

  2. Thanks, Joy, for sharing . It's indeed very useful tips.
    Happy Easter

  3. Hello Joy,
    Great blog.
    I wasn't aware of cure for hives. I am simply amazed to learn as to how Kokum is used for curing Hives.


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