Mental Health, An Important Aspect of Daily Life


                      Mental Health, An Important Aspect of Daily Life

THAT’S ENOUGH!   Enough of bullying, enough of abuse, enough of disrespect.  I am strong and I am brave, and I will not tolerate it anymore. I will not allow this to affect my life.  I will reach out for help, and I will help others and uplift them.

This is what we want to hear from every individual who has gone through any kind of trauma, bullying, abuse, disrespect, torture, discrimination, and illness.  Someone who is silently suffering because they have no one to talk to because they have no one who would listen to their cries, because they feel no one loves them and no one believes in them.

Its time for every individual to share their grief with someone else, someone whom they can trust and some one who would listen to them.  Connect with others to share your thoughts, emotions, and feelings and help others to be brave to share their emotions with you.  In Canada itself, by the age of 40 years, 50% of the population suffers from mental illness. 

Mental illness is a state of dealing with an untreated trauma, pain, emotions that have not been dealt with.  Almost everyone goes through mental health situations.  Some overcome it by talking it out and treating the pain and emotions that have caused due to this trauma and unpleasant situations.  Some have buried it within themselves taking it to the next level of Mental illness, from a very small age and have suppressed their feelings to disclose anything that they have experienced or gone through.  This buried emotion is hidden within you and is not eliminated.  It will come out at a later stage in your life and will keep haunting you until you let it out and discuss it with a close friend or personnel.    

If you don’t have a friend to talk to, find an association that will help you in mental health and mental illness.  Get someone to help you relieve your pain. 

Mental Health has been brought into reality only in the recent years.  But over the many years Mental Health affects people of all ages, races, religions, education background, poverty, homelessness, discrimination, gender. If not treated will end up with eating disorders, depression, workaholic, anxiety disorders and thoughts of suicide.   Especially growing up in India and many other countries like, the discrimination of girls vs boys in all areas of life can be very challenging and if not treated can lead to mental illness.  Boys are taught to be tough and overpowering and girls are suppressed and over protected.  Both are extremes, boys when they go through mental health issues, they do not disclose it because they are wanted to be seen as tough and brave because they were brought up that way, so they suffer in silence,  on the other hand girls who are suppressed don’t even have an opportunity to open up their feelings in public or even in front of family members and it gets hidden within themselves over the years.  They are too afraid that no one will listen to them and feel unloved and not cared for. 

The best way to avoid mental illness is to bring up our boys and girls equally with equal respect and dignity in the society they live in and help them to be open about their feelings and emotions without them facing any threat and violence and discrimination.

Firemen, First Responders, Police officers, Doctors, Nurses, Surgeons, Teachers, Students, Office goers go through some kind of trauma or the other and need immediate help after they go through a situation that they have dealt with on their job.  If they do not get help in time they too will go through mental illness.  No one can escape Mental Health but the way you deal with it can make a difference.  Treat each other with respect because we don’t know what each one is going through.  No one is walking around with a label saying they are going through some critical illness, have been through abuse or discrimination or just went through a trauma handing a situation. Be kind and patient with one another and be a good listener.

If you have no one to reach out to you, I can help you with Therapeutic Writing to help yourself.  Please feel free to contact me if you need help.


Have a nice day 😊




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