Goodbye 2021 and Welcome 2022

Two more days left for 2021 to end.  Each year, we often wonder what the New Year has in store for us.  Its time to say goodbye to 2021 and thank God for all His blessings this year and all the challenges we experienced to make us a better and stronger person and the person we are today.


Just believe in yourself, dream big and have faith in God and leave the rest in His hands

Be thankful each day and every moment for the gift of life.  There are so many people who have not been fortunate to see this new year, but you are blessed to see it.


Make each day a very special day by making use of your lives to make others and yourself happy. There is no medicine that is fully curable than HAPPINESS.

The more others are happy because of you, the more you will be happy and blessed.

Isn’t life fulfilling when you are happy?


Take time to think before you get back at anyone, you don’t know what that person is going through. They may be troubled by illness, poverty, unemployment, loneliness, depression and/or ego that is just killing them slowly.  They could also be battling with time to accomplish their goals and need to focus more on their goal activities, that gap of communication could be hurting to others. What is priority to them could be, not important to you. Be patient and understanding with them anyway. They will come around someday and realize how much you care about them and the lost time not spent together.


Words once spoken cannot be taken back.  Be sure to not to throw those out but just digest it yourself.  You will be happy for what you did after everything has cooled down. 


For every thought that is troubling you, be sure to sort it out, with the one you feel it should be, and if you feel it did not work, you at least know you tried, then just let it fly out of the window and disappear as though it did not exist. 


Learn to forgive your friends and family first, cause it’s easy to forgive a foe. For you don’t expect unexpected things from your loved ones that will be difficult to accept, but when you expect things from a foe, you anticipate in advance and accept and its therefore easy to forgive a foe than a loved one.  Keeping a grudge and not forgiving is slowly killing you and that does not bring you happiness.


Make a list of things what you would do differently in 2022 and the reason for it, that will help you to make better and wiser decisions this year and give you a better understanding and peace of mind. Make you a better person in all. 

Here’s wishing all my readers, all happiness and peace of mind this 2022. The season of Christmas brings joy and happiness to each and everyone.  I have friends of different religions and not necessary they celebrate Christmas religiously.  But there is something about Christmas that makes everyone happy. Its not just the gifts and decorations, its about the caring, sharing and thoughtfulness. So, I would ask everyone to live each day like “Christmas Day” this 2022.


Happy New Year and May God continue to bless us all and keep us safe in 2022.


Best wishes,


Joy D’Penha




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