When I was writing my last blog about “If You Can Dream It, You can Achieve It”, I already knew my next topic I wanted to write about. “OPEN DOORS”. All week I thought about what I could write on Open Doors. I knew most people know the concept about Open Doors to be New Opportunities and New Beginnings and I knew there must be more to it. So, I put on my thinking cap to think about 10 possibilities of an Open-Door concept. When one door closes, the other door opens. Most of us think positive and believe in this. But we have the power to open the doors within ourselves. God has given us the potential to think to the fullest and most of us don’t know we have that potential within us and do not make use of it. Here are the 10 Possibilities I have put down to see your Open-Doors.

10 Possibilities for an Open-Door Concept

New Opportunities, new beginnings and new ventures. Moving houses, moving jobs, moving countries, starting a new business. These are a few examples of new opportunities and new beginnings where you look forward to a fresh start.

Uncover your natural talents that is within you and practice them in each area of your life. Work , family, finance, health and relationship. Here is a website where you can uncover your talents within you. You can do this test for free at When you uncover your talents, you automatically open doors to utilize your talents. All of us have hidden talents within us.  Sometimes we need a push and an encouragement to open our eyes to our hidden talents. If you use your talents every area of your life, you are a happy person. Examine yourself, your home and family, your relation-ship and your finance, if you are not happy in any area of your life, see how you can use your talents in that area of your life. Using your talents energizes your body and mind. Keep yourself energized and keep those doors open.

Get up and try again every time you fail and do something different each time you try again. When you give up you shut the door on you. Keep that door open and never give up.

Unlock your hidden ideas, creativity to bring about 10 possibilities to find a solution for every problem and then work on every possibility until you succeed with a solution.

Give a hand to someone who requires your talent. Help someone who could benefit from your talent. You open the doors of references when you help others.

Get around someone who you can learn from. If you know someone who can help you with anything that will benefit you, get around that person, observe their actions and words and learn from them, watch videos about them, read books and articles about them etc. You are automatically opening the door to learn from them.

Do not be like the Dead Sea, make use of your expertise, your skills, your talents to help others so that it keeps flowing and not stagnant within you. The Dead Sea is filled with rich minerals and salt and is stagnant because it does not flow into the other seas and rivers. It does not share its richness and therefore stagnant within itself and Dead. The same way if you are filled with rich talents and you are not using it to help others and also energize yourself, you will be stagnant like the Dead Sea. Spread your wings and help others, open the doors and pour out your expertise, talents and skills and energize yourself. Be an open door for someone else and spread your richness. Look for ways to energize your mind and body.

Be nice to everyone, you have no idea what they are going through. Your only smile could make their day, your kindness will go a long way to open doors for them and they will do the same to someone else. Give them hope with your kindness and leave that door open for you and them.

Being self aware of your lesser talents that can be considered as your weaknesses. This opens your door to find out ways how you can improve in a certain area that you find yourself weak in. For example, if you are not good at computers and you are aware of it, it opens the door for you to do a crash basic course to learn the applications that you can use in your daily life and help you progress. Another example is if you are shy of public speaking, you could either do a course or practice at home in front of the mirror or record yourself and check how you improve each time and bring in that confidence in you.

Reach out to someone who is better than you in a particular skill or talent that you are not good at, to help you or advise you. It could be your colleague, your family, your friends or even your boss. Someone whom you are comfortable to talk with.

Have a great day !



  1. Your motivational article could move even the most stagnant "Sloth" ,considered the slowest moving animal in the word hence the term Slothful or the most introvert person to move out of their crabby hard shell...thus creating the right impact on every reader and increasing an insight into recognizing those latent talents be put into fruition..
    Keep up your excellent skills and inspirational articles 👏👍🙌

  2. I like the concept of the dead sea. If you do not put your talent and skills to use, you will never grow in life. Great thought process. Keep up the good writing.


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