Give thanks with a grateful heart, not only on “Thanksgiving Day” but every day.

October 11, 2021, is Thanksgiving Day in Canada.  It reminds most of us to be thankful for all the material things i.e., our home, job, business, car etc.  and to be thankful for our family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, employees, vendors, customers etc. and above all thank God for the gift of Life He has blessed us with.

Human brains are accustomed to reciprocating to rules and regulations.  So, when there are special days like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, people remember those days and wish accordingly on those special days remembering the people involved.

Our brains are trained to say a “Thank you” to someone when they have done a good deed to you.  We thank God for the good things happened to us, for protecting us and keeping us safe from any foreseen danger, from the storm that passed last night, for bringing us safely home during the snowstorms etc.  So, we are prone to thank only after a situation has occurred. 

Why not thank God early morning each day before we travel to and from work, for His protection throughout the day, for His blessings He pours upon us through out each day, for the big business deal even before the existence of the deal, for our good health even though we are going through some challenges, for the food on our table etc.

We human beings love to take control of everything without depending on anyone.  If it is within our power, we do not need anyone’s help and we forget the one who has created us and ignore Him when we can do everything by ourselves.  We only remember Him when we are in trouble, when we need something that we cannot get or do in our own power, when there is no hope left within us and we have lost control over any situation with our own power.  That’s the only time we remember God.  We fail to realize that we start about doing things our way without His help and when we are stuck, we cry out to Him and then thank Him after.  Imagine if we cry out to God for His help and thank Him before we do anything even though we feel we can do it without Him, how beautifully things will be our way and, especially when we pray to God before any situation and leave it in His hands to take care of the situation.  With that trust and faith, we know that whatever is the outcome it is in His will and accept it even though it is not comfortable to us, because we believed and continue to believe that whatever God does is for our benefit and our good. 

I will leave you today with this message to remember to thank God before and after any situation in our lives. To surrender to Him our thoughts, works of our hands and feet and our direction every minute of our lives. 

God Bless you all and have a great Thanksgiving Weekend.






  1. Beautifully said Joy. Very well written n so very true.Happy thanks giving.

  2. Your Thanksgiving article is absolutely apt and timely as we ,in India,especially in the South Indian Churches are celebrating the Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service which encompasses all you have mentioned above...we are grateful that we are able to fellowship in Church following all Covid protocols...grateful to God for every breath and being alive ...thank you dear Joy for reviving and evoking this important aspect ..not forgetting that I'm grateful to God for giving me such a sincere and affectionate Cousin like you and family

  3. Very well written Joy. We have to be thankful in all situations.

  4. Really well written I loved it very much. Happy Thanksgiving


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