Principles of Leadership



Man without vision shall perish - Proverbs 29:18

“Dream what you want to be, the kind of life you wish to build and believe in that dream.  Be prepared to work for it.  Always remember each dream is important because it is your dream, it is your future, and it is worth working for” John Maxwell.

Peoples Principles

  • Our success, fulfilment and happiness depend upon our ability to relate to people effectively. 
  • The key to relating to others is putting you in someone else’s place instead of putting them in place. 
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated. 
  • See people as assets, not adversaries. If you see them as assets, you will bring out the potential in them.  If you see them as adversaries, you will be continually sparring with them, trying to defend your position. 
  • Remember, the word “WE” is the most important word in the English language.

What draws others to me as a LEADER?


C:  Concern – the ability to show you care

H:  Help – the ability to reach out

A:  Action – the ability to make things happen            

R:  Results – the ability to produce

I: Influence – the ability to lead others.

S:  Sensitivity – the ability to feel and respond

M:  Motivation – the ability to give hope

A: Affirmation – the ability to build one up

 How to help others with difficulties?

  • Encourage them to face their problems.
  • Encourage them to solve their problems.


T:  Tell them it takes time

E:  Expose yourself to their problems to relate to them

A:  Assure them of your confidence in them

C:  Creatively show them how to deal with their problems

H:  Offer hope to them in the process

Evangelist John Wesley said when asked, “Why people seem to be drawn to him?”  he answered “Well, you see, when you set yourself on fire, people just love to come and see you burn”.

 Do you want to increase your interest with others?

  • Develop your creativity – ability to say things in an unusual way.
  • Develop your confidence – ability to do things in an unusual way.

Charismatic people can do both, develop these both traits and people will stand up and take notice.

 How does a person become productive?

  • Find your strength and then find others who need your strength.  Use your strength to help others.
  • Self centered people dominate others.


  • What happens to you, speaks of your Circumstances.
  • What happens in you, speaks of your Character.
  • What happens through you, speaks of your Charisma.

 Do you want to learn how to be a positive influence on others?  Five factors come to play.

  • Who I am - Position or Title
  • Where I am – Location or job.
  • Who I know – my sphere of influence.
  • What I know – my expertise (this will keep you in the position long after “who you know” wears off)
  • What I do – my production, character, and credibility

  Roadblocks to Charisma:

  • Pride
  • Insecurity
  • Moodiness
  • Perfectionism
  • Over sensitivity
  • Negativism

Yes, you can achieve your dreams. Take one step at a time and believe in yourself no matter what.

Have a great day.



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