LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST – making a difference


Life is filled with mysteries, happiness, success, opportunities, breakthroughs, sadness, breakdowns, failures and much more.  We live just once on this earth.  We pass through this life just once.  So why not make the best of it and live it to the fullest.  If you have made a lifelong difference in at least one person’s life you have lived your life to the fullest.   Be bold and courageous, do not fear because fear will put you down, fear will keep you behind, and fear will not bring out your potential for what you were born to do.  There is a purpose in all our lives. We need to find out that purpose.  Dream, and dream BIG.  Dream so big that you cannot accomplish your dream by yourself alone, but you need all the people around you to help you accomplish your dream.  In this way you will connect with all the people whether you know them personally or not.  In this way you will make a difference in other people’s lives.  When you dream a lifelong dream, you get to make a difference in others for a lifelong. 

Be positive in life.  Being positive does not mean to avoid and neglect the problems in your life, but to look for solutions, opportunities, and possibilities in every negative situation.  Look for something good in every bad situation.  Look for something good in everyone. Do not take anything personally, look at it as a situation that is temporary.  Do not let negative thoughts rule over you and direct you to think the way that puts you down.  Remember, you are the child of the Most High King of kings and Lord of lords.  Imagine being a child of an earthly king.  How would you represent yourself in front of others?  How would your personality be? How would you move around?  You would have so many soldiers around you to protect you from any harm.  You would be wearing the best clothes, living in a Palace. You would be living the richest life.  If you could imagine a life like that being a son or daughter of an earthly king.  How much more would it be true if you believe and live a life thinking you are the child of the Most High, King of all kings and Lord of all lords, our heavenly Father and King.  You will be surrounded by soldiers to protect you every single minute of your life.  How would you live your life?  You would live your life with your head up always, feeling loved and protected.  Feeling that nothing can go wrong with you and in every situation, you go through, you know that your Heavenly King is with you and watching over you all the time.  Your life will be so rich and nourished.  Being rich does not mean lots of pots of money in your bank accounts.  Being rich is having all the good values, living life to the fullest and making a difference in everyone’s life you meet.  The more people’s lives you make a difference, the richer you get.

We find manuals for any electronics, cars, toys, and objects that need to be fixed and used.  In this way we know how far the battery will last in a car, how fast the car can be driven, what is the potential of each electronic device and to what extent you can use it.  They all come with a potential loaded and documented in a manual. But when God created man, He did not give him a manual of what he can do and what he cannot do.  He loaded each one of us with unlimited potentials.  He gave authority to man over all His creations on earth, downloading him with the highest potential ever.  Each one of us are filled with an unlimited potential and we need to uncover each potential knowing that our Father is in control.  How would you live your life knowing that?  Positive and Joyous.  I say joyous because joyous is happiness life long and not temporary happiness.    


Have a great day.



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