Sometimes CHANGE is inevitable, but at times our mindset is so obstinate and refuses to go with the flow of change.  Human beings have the tendency to normally accept change when it is external.  For some, even the external change is obnoxious and revolting.  Here are some examples of external changes:

-          From manual typewriters – we changed to electronic typewriters – to computers - laptops.

-          From switch board lines – we changed to electronic board lines – and now direct lines.

-          From land line telephones – to cell phones – to smart phones – to video chatting.

-          From a kerosene stove – to an electric range.

-          From fountain pens - to ballpoint pens.

-          From Carbon copies to photocopies.

-          From Store shopping – to online shopping.

-          From manually calculating – to calculators – electronic calculators.

-          From manual cars - to automatic cars - to electric cars.

-          From B&W TVs – to Colored TVs – to Flat Screen digital TVs.

-          From Classroom learning - to online learning.

-          From cycle – to motorbikes

These are a few examples of external changes and most of us have adapted to this kind of change in our lives, and this has enabled us to move ahead to the future in our lives, making things easier and faster.  This external change has empowered us to change the way we think to some extent. This is a generational change.

But what about the internal behavioral change within us?  Our change in attitude, our change in the way we think, our change in the way we behave, our change in our habits. This kind of change is difficult and slow, especially when we grow up with certain things in our lives and with things that we are habituated with for years and years. Similarly, this internal change is difficult for some and is not accepted by them.  It could be either because of fear of change, it could be lack of knowledge, it could be because of the comfort zone they are in and refuse to change from that comfort level.  Here are some examples of behavioral changes:

-          Change in shopping from one store to another – we are so much used to shopping from only one store that we refuse to look at other stores that could be more economical and time saving. 

-          Change in drinking tea with milk and sugar that we do not feel like drinking any other herbal teas or even coffees.

-          Some people have moved countries but have not adapted to the change in culture.

-          Some others think about bringing up their children the same way they were brought up. For example, they were not allowed to choose their field of education when they were young.  They had to go with what their parents wanted them to do.  Now they do the same with their children.  Their mindset is not changed, they refuse to put themselves in their children’s shoes to think what they would like to be, instead of pushing them to do the things that they do not want to. Some refuse to let their children have a love marriage and think arranged marriage is the only best way to go. 

If I put myself in their shoes, they are correct in their thinking, because that is the only knowledge and information, they have that had worked well for them.  In some cases, they have not explored other opportunities or have not been introduced to other opportunities that could also work for them. 

These are some of the internal changes.  It is because of the fear of discomfort since we are in our comfort zone already and do not want to change that make it difficult for us to change.  We can gradually help these changes within us by educating ourselves to the facts and reality of life and getting more knowledge, by experiencing and trying out the change ourselves, by learning from someone else’s experience and moving forward.  Hats off to all those who have accepted change and moved on.

During the pandemic, most people have adjusted to working from home, from working at the office or school.  This change must have been difficult for some people but gradually they have adjusted to this kind of change and experienced it themselves, they see the benefits and have now accepted it.  For others this change is still uncomfortable, it could be because of the environment and situations they are in. 

Yes, CHANGE is daring, difficult and uncomfortable, but it is not impossible.  CHANGE is a CHOICE you can make.

Have a wonderful day.




  1. Joy beautifully written. Hats off to you. Great job

  2. Yes if you need to grow in life you need to embrace change.


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