WORDS are of great significance in everyone's life.  Once spoken out, it is hard to take it back.  So choose your words wisely,    

WORDS are very powerful.  With the words spoken you can either make someone's life or break someone's life. You can build up someone's esteem or you can destroy them completely.  

Another aspect is the tone of the voice when you say something.  What does your tone say to the other person?  It can sound sweet or it can sound sour.  Train your mind before you speak out anything.  It is the feeling you leave behind with someone after you have spoken what you have to say.  

What kind of feeling do you want to leave behind?  

A feeling of love or a feeling of hate

A feeling of success or a feeling of failure

A feeling of happiness or a feeling of loneliness

A feeling of hope or a feeling of despair 

A feeling of anger or a feeling of pride

Sow seeds of greatness into your loved ones, your children, your siblings, your employee, your subordinates, your students, your colleagues, your neighbours, your community and many more

Tell them:

- You are loved

- You are beautiful

- You are bright

- You are strong

- You are a fighter

- You are hardworking

- You can do it

- You sing gracefully

- You are outstanding

- You are an artist

The most powerful words are the words you choose to say after the words "I AM

What you think about, you bring about. What you choose to say after "I AM" will make you the person you are today.  You are confirming to yourself and the universe what you are.  It could be positive or negative.  You are the one to decide who you are.

When you say "I am rich" you confirm to the universe that you are rich and the universe believes it and works around you being rich.

When you say "I am powerful" you confirm the the universe that you are powerful and that you have a mind of your own and make things happen for you.  

If you say "I am ugly" you are confirming to the universe that you are ugly and it will work towards you being ugly.  

So be mindful of what you say after the words "I AM"


- I am bold

- I am strong

- I am beautiful

- I am powerful

- I am rich

- I am well equipped

- I am intelligent

- I am a topper

- I am unique and one of a kind

- I am attractive

- I am successful 

When someone tells you, You are ugly.  You can turn it around and say "I am beautiful and attractive"  You can deny all negative words spoken upon you, so that the Universe will start working on what you say to yourself, and make things happen for you.

Change it from

- You are Ugly             to         "I am beautiful and attractive"

- You are poor              to         "I am rich and richly blessed"

- You are a failure        to          "I am successful and I am a victor

- You are a duffer         to           "I am the smartest of all"

Choose your WORDS wisely and use them to bring about positive energy within you and around you.

Be an example of whom you want your Children to follow and listen to.  Be an example of that Leader that you want your employees to follow.  Be an example of that Teacher that you want your Students to follow..  

Take pride in being the reason for someone's success in life.  The one seed you sowed when your child was young has made him the man that he is today.  The one seed that you sowed in your student has made her the leader she is today.  The one seed that you sowed in your employee has helped him to be successful at his work today and the one seed that you sowed in your sibling has encouraged her to pursue her dreams and be successful today.

Think about how many lives you have changed and how many lives you can change only by your WORDS.

Have a wonderful day.



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