The author found great joy in collecting facts of life experiences from people of all walks of life from all over the world, just so that someone who is in need at the right time will benefit from it. She is very grateful to all those who contributed. Here are some Life’s Learning Experiences or Facts of Life of each individual’s experience, who have willingly and graciously contributed to this topic. These are experiences of people from all walks of life, (University Students, Housewives, Sales & Manager Professionals, Business owners and Retired Personnel's) and different age brackets beginning from age 20 to 70. We can learn from these experiences and improve our way of living and our way of thinking. Its better to walk the minefield where somebody has already walked ahead of you. Take the supermarket approach, grab what you need in your basket so that you can make use of it immediately and leave the rest behind that you do not need and/or cannot afford t...