Goals & Distractions

You Can't Do Big Things If You Are Distracted By Small Things GOALS & DISTRACTIONS Its never too late to wish all my readers all the very best in 2024. Stay well and Stay blessed everyone. This is my first write-up of 2024 and thinking about the new year we always set goals but how many times have we worked hard enough to achieve our goals? I asked a few people around if they have set goals for this year and have, they achieved last years goals. 90% of them said they did set goals last year but the same goals have been carried forward to this year, and year after year, because they were unable to achieve it. The reason most of them said is that they did not have the time and still struggling with time. We all have 24 hours in a day. 8 hours we work either at home or in the office (we have no choice on this one unless you own your own business or happily retired), we will assume 7-8 hours ...