OPEN DOORS When I was writing my last blog about “If You Can Dream It, You can Achieve It”, I already knew my next topic I wanted to write about. “OPEN DOORS”. All week I thought about what I could write on Open Doors. I knew most people know the concept about Open Doors to be New Opportunities and New Beginnings and I knew there must be more to it. So, I put on my thinking cap to think about 10 possibilities of an Open-Door concept. When one door closes, the other door opens. Most of us think positive and believe in this. But we have the power to open the doors within ourselves. God has given us the potential to think to the fullest and most of us don’t know we have that potential within us and do not make use of it. Here are the 10 Possibilities I have put down to see your Open-Doors. 10 Possibilities for an Open-Door Concept New Opportunities, new beginnings and new ventures. Moving houses, moving jobs, moving countries, starting a new business. These are a few examples of new oppor...